

大家好, 今天我心血来潮决定用华语来打这篇
让我们时光倒流 回到6月12日: 到sunway庆祝伶儿生日
其实 照片不多 废话也少说 XD
请你跟着我的脚步 进入时光隧道
当天的衣着 ; )

我那可爱的头毛剪掉勒 TT


我们到starbucks坐勒很久下 然后去看戏票-超级8super8
再去sakae sushi 吃寿司
注意:超级8那部戏真的不是很好看 没有高潮起伏


对了 这可爱的蛋糕是jojo亲手做的!太神了

我的TST 赫

大伙儿 不懂在做么 < , >

有点混乱的场面 赫赫

这张更混乱 XD

甜甜蜜蜜 ♥

真是对不起 我的脸太大勒 真是丑爆TT

就这样 结束了美丽的一天 是时候说再见勒 掰呗♥


William's new house @ Auburn, USA ♥

Yea, happy dragon boat festival readers.
Hey my readers, I am in the blogging mood now !
That's why I'm here to blog about William's new house, woots
* as the photo above, form left to right, sis, William and uncle Steve.
They are back last week , I am very happy and high. I dont know how to describe my feeling HEH

Yea, he is my William boy.
* Sand beaches here is different with there, right? XD*
white like snow, clean like crystal !

Okay, let's us start today's topic, Will's new house @ Auburn, USA
This is William's new house ! It is so nice , i like it as well.
Wait for me, I'll fly there once I've money.
Everyones wish to have a house like this right? Me too.
* front yard view

*front yard view

*front yard view

*front yard view

I like the feel as well . The house is so grand oh my god !

*frond yard view

* living area
Classic is loved. Every corner in house is decorated by my sis herself .

*living area
The decoration is great , combination of Chinese and Western style.

But sis decorated it with candle and terra cotta army!
Unpredictable, right? XD

*Dining area


*Bar counter
Yea, my uncle like to drink wine and beer.

*Master bathroom

*Master bathroom

It is their home library and William's toy room.

*Corner of home library




The view is awesome,  and the lawn is loved !

Is the time to stop my post, stay tuned for the incoming post.
Get it, feel it


Holidays start ! let's rock !

hello my dear readers, i am back !
I know that i'd neglected my blog for such a long time
and now my bloggie is full of dust
I have the responsibility to clean it, right?
So, i am here to update my blog !
* new header and background is coming, thanks to WANYIN first!♥

Yea, holidays now and the bloody exam was end ! it's the time to relax !
Exam results is suck enough ,
 I'd put much effort on it and I reserve more, right?
Not everythings will turn to be what you wish for, it is true.
So, just let it be ; )

I'll be an active blogger from now, this moment.
More post is going to post up and more outing is planning
Wait for my next article, leave a tag before you leave , thank you ; )


*The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched,
they must be felt with heart.  Yes, i agreed !